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Darkness Betrayed (Torn) Page 4

  Turning it over in my head, I asked, “Why haven’t you just killed him already? Aren’t you stronger than him?”

  “Yes... and no. He has too many Exiled following him now. I’ve become a silent partner, if you will, in the loosest definition of the word. What I say, think or do no longer matters. Sebastian has made sure of that throughout the years.”

  A soft knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. “Enter.” His voice was gentle.

  Malena entered the room. “It’s been done.”

  “Thank you Malena. Please, bring Samantha home.” He took the shirt from her and handed it to me.


  Turning his attention to me, he whispered. “You need time. I know this. I’ll come to you within the week for your answer. In the meantime, think about what I’ve said, what I’ve proposed. Share the idea with the others, if you desire.”

  “But I don’t want…”

  “Shh. It’s okay. Take the time. I’m in no hurry. I’m here until the earth stops rotating, remember?” A sad smile formed on his perfect mouth and I felt a flush creep up from my toes.

  “Malena will stay with you. She will help guard you, answer any questions you have. You can learn a lot from her, Samantha. Please, listen to what she has to say and pay attention to what she teaches you.”

  “But,” she protested.

  Damien interrupted her. “You will go, Malena.”

  I wasn’t entirely comfortable with having Malena move in with the others and me. Especially now that I saw she was against the idea. He kissed my cheek softly and stepped aside.

  Her voice was tight. “Change your shirt and let’s go.”

  I pulled myself up as tall as I could to show her she didn’t intimidate me. I quickly took off the bloodstained shirt and pushed my arms through the sleeves of the one I was given. It was a man’s shirt. No doubt it was Damien’s. I peeked at him and noticed he was watching every move I made with intensity. His eyes dimmed with each button I fastened. “Where’s my sword?”

  She pulled it from the sheath on her back and handed it to me, looking between Damien and myself. Her uncomfortable impatience amused me and I flashed a smile.

  “Now can we go?” She threw invisible daggers from her gaze.

  I nodded in agreement as she stretched out her wings, wrapped her arms around me and the room disappeared.


  We arrived, within seconds, in the front yard just as the sun was setting beyond the trees. She let go of me and I fell to the ground. Bitch. Ethan tore out of the front door, sword drawn. I rubbed my elbow.

  “Get away from her.”

  “Hello Ethan.” Silk curled around her words as she placed a hand on her hip. They really do know each other? I stood and dusted off my pants.

  “I asked you to get away from her. I won’t say it again, Malena.”

  “Relax, baby. I’m here to help.”

  I froze. Baby? “Wait, wait, wait. You two really do know each other?”


  “Biblically.” Malena smirked.

  A flush rose in Ethan’s cheeks and I wanted to vomit. Darkness pumped through my veins.

  “Go inside, Samantha.”

  Fuck that. “No, Ethan. Explain this.”

  “Please, Samantha. Later. Just go inside.”

  I whirled around to confront Malena. “Explain.”

  “Explain what?” She was toying with me, never taking her eyes off of Ethan.

  “Sam,” Ethan pleaded. “We had a, uh, a fling.” Embarrassment surrounded him. “Go inside the house, I’ll take care of this.”

  “A fling? Hours and days spent naked together, inside each other and all you can think to call it is a fling?” Her lips pursed into a pout. “Ethan, I’m hurt.”

  Hell if I was leaving them together. “And you couldn’t have said something before?” I couldn’t decide where to direct my anger so I turned my attention to the nearest tree. In an instant, it exploded into splinter-sized woodchips.

  “Oh calm down. You’re acting like a child.” Her voice grated on my nerves and I wanted to hurt her.

  I glared at her until she relented. “I didn’t think of it. Not like the information was important.” Malena’s voice was sarcastic and, in that moment, I hated her. I lifted my palm to her and threw her back twenty feet. She bounced back up with her wings spread and her sword drawn, a wicked smile on her face. She was enjoying this. “Bring it on.”

  I drew my sword. “Screw you.” She deflected my attack with one of her own and I was on my back. Quickly jumping up I was able to hit her shoulder with a rock.

  “Malena, Samantha! No!” Ethan yelled and ran between us. “Just stop. We’ll figure it out.”

  After looking between Ethan and me, Malena’s eyes glittered. She folded her wings and put away her weapon. “This is going to be a fun assignment.”

  Ethan lowered his sword and shook his head in disbelief. “Are you all right, Sam?”

  “Not really, no. Why don’t you show your girlfriend around? Help get her settled in. She’ll be here awhile.”

  “Sam, come on!”

  “Bite me!” I stomped up the stairs, slamming the front door. Shit.

  Chapter 6

  I leaned back against the front door and closed my eyes, willing my self-control to return. The fact that I couldn’t regulate the darkness on my own was frustrating. I thought back to Damien. I was able to control it during the short time I spent with him. Or was he controlling it? I blew out a long breath and opened my eyes. Branna stood a few feet away with a concerned look on her face.

  Her violet eyes, a stark contrast to the black hair that framed her pale face, were soft and comforting. “You all right?” I could listen to her raspy brogue all day.

  “Honestly? I’m not sure.”

  She looked out the front window and a knowing frown crossed her lips. “Wanna talk about it?”

  Of all the Faithful that had lived in the house, Branna was my favorite. She was strong and didn’t take any nonsense from anyone. She’d even stuck up for me after the incident with Sebastian and Ethan and Noah decided he was ready for a fight.


  2 weeks ago

  “No, I’ve told you. I don’t know where Sebastian and Lucas are.” I was tired of this conversation and despite the fact that Noah had resolved to stand with me and the others, he was angry. Angry that his best friend, Scott, died, angry that Jesse had died and angry that I hadn’t killed Sebastian or brought Lucas home, despite the fact that Ethan and I had explained what had happened over and over again. And all of his anger was exacerbated by the fact that he was a feisty drunk.

  “I don’t understand. Tell me again what happened.” He drained his glass of whatever drink he was relying on that day.

  “We’ve been over this, Noah.” Ethan sounded as exasperated as I felt.

  “Why don’t you get your head out of your ass and see her for who and what she is?” Noah’s words echoed in my ears.

  “And just exactly who and what am I?” My hands slammed against the kitchen table causing Mara to jump.

  “An Exiled, through and through. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were in on Lucas’ deception, working with Sebastian to destroy us all.”

  I narrowed my eyes to meet his. “You know that isn’t true.”

  “Do I? Do I really Samantha? You haven’t really shown us anything but your uncontrollable temper tantrums. You wear darkness like a cheap fucking suit. Any attempt to bring you to the light is met with resistance and disaster.” His glass shattered to pieces as it slammed into the wall behind me. My wings snapped open.

  “That’s not fair.” Branna’s soft brogue cut through the tension. “You know she is new to all of this. Put yourself in her position. Her father wouldn’t have appreciated the way you view her.”

  “James was a good man. He made the choice to join the Faithful and never once waivered on that decision. This one…” He pointed his finger in my face. “Can’t decide which w
ay is up. I’m tired of following her when she doesn’t even know where she is going.”

  I swatted his hand away. “Get your finger out of my face.”

  He raised it again, taunting me. “What are you going to do about it?”

  I grabbed it, snapping the bone before I forced him across the room. He hit the wall and thudded on the ground. My sword was drawn before he could get up. Quickly he waived his arm in front of him and swept my legs from out beneath me. By the time I got my bearings, he was standing over me with his sword at my throat.

  Branna ran and grabbed him. “Stop! You know this is all new. You know she is still learning. If you’d get your head out of your ass and help educated her, we wouldn’t have to go through this day after day.”

  Her words were lost on him and he maintained his focus on me. I dared him to make a move. “You know you can’t kill me that way.” Rage rolled off me in waves.

  “But I can hurt you.” The words growled from his throat.

  As he lifted his sword, Branna threw her body across mine, wings outstretched.

  “Move, Branna.”

  “Noah, no! Stop this!”

  I looked around. Ethan, Mara, and Christian’s swords were pointed at Noah. Only Cal sat back in his chair, clearly amused by this spectacle. “You’re all fucking nuts.”

  Noah looked around, sheathed his sword, stalked across the kitchen and out the front door, slamming it loudly behind him. The house vibrated in protest.

  “You okay?” Branna asked me.

  “Yeah.” I wasn’t. “Thank you for that.”

  “Anytime. Let’s get you up off this floor.”

  I dusted myself off and looked to Cal. “I’m not nuts.”

  He popped a peanut in his mouth. “Said the girl with the anger issues.” He handed me a broom and followed Noah out the door.


  Shaking off the memory, I looked at her. Talking was the last thing I wanted to do. “Sure, Branna. We can talk about it.”

  She closed the door to my room and, feeling dramatic, I flopped on my bed throwing my arm over my eyes.

  “I take it you know about Malena and Ethan?”

  I sat up immediately, wringing my hands on the pillow I pulled into my lap. “Yeah. How do you know about them?”

  “They met two summers ago, I think. I can’t remember exactly.” She sat gently at the foot of my bed. “He was instantly smitten. But I really think he was just trying to get lost in something. Like he was running away.”

  “How could he not be?” I snorted and flopped back onto my bed, wracking my brain, trying to remember where Ethan went the summer after graduation. I knew he went on some vacation with Lucas. I didn’t know, however, he’d found some floozy to pass him time. “Look at her. All red hair and boobs and sexy green eyes and whatever else guys find so interesting about her.”

  Branna’s laugh was soothing. “That’s just her outside appearance, Sam. She’s a terrible person. She’s smug and thinks only of herself.”

  “Great. That’s awesome. She’ll be staying here for now.”

  “What? Why?” Branna’s surprise was evident.

  “Long story.”

  “Why don’t you tell me,” she coaxed.

  “She works with Damien.”

  I could hear the alarm bells ring though Branna’s head. “Damien? How do you know this?”

  “Because he was the one who snatched me at the cliffs. Well, not him exactly, but another Exiled who brought me to him. And what’s weird, Ethan didn’t try to save me.”

  “Ethan was worried. He couldn’t find you. But aside from that, this is not good, Samantha. What did he want? Tell me everything.” Her brow furrowed as I told her the story, leaving out the more personal details, even though I knew she could hear my thoughts. The great thing about her was that she wouldn’t mention things she knew I didn’t want mentioned. Just like how she never mentioned how much I longed to be with Ethan.

  “So he wants to work together to destroy Sebastian? And Malena is here to guard you, to train you?”

  “In a nutshell, yes.” I fell back onto my bed.

  She scooted towards me and lay down on her back next to me. For a moment, we silently contemplated this turn of events.

  “This isn’t good.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  She sighed. “I don’t trust him or her for that matter.”

  “Neither do I, but what other option do we have? Sebastian still has Lucas and they are out there, wreaking who-knows-what kind of destruction and havoc. I can’t see any other way.”

  Branna turned to face me. “Siding with him is a big risk, Samantha. He isn’t to be trusted. You need to be careful. I’ll back you up whatever you decide, but I can’t tell you enough – I don’t like this one bit.”

  “He looks young.” I was distracted.

  “Does he? I’ve never met him. I don’t think many have.”

  “He looks like he’s my age, a little older. And he’s hot.” Why am I telling her this?

  A frown pulled at the corners of her mouth. “Be careful. I don’t like where your thought process is going.”

  “No,” I assured her, or me, I didn’t know which. “Nothing like that.” Of course something like that. And I knew she knew. “It was just surprising is all.”

  Lips pursed, Branna seemed to consider what I’d said. “If you say so, just be careful is all I am saying.”

  A slight knock at the door grabbed my attention.

  “I think its Ethan.”

  “I don’t want to talk to him.”

  “You have to talk to him. He loves you and you love him. Just hear him out.” She’d never mentioned our feelings for each other before.

  Ugh. “Fine. Come in!”

  Ethan stepped into my room. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” I turned my head away from him. I was definitely getting good at this dramatic reaction crap.

  “Well, I’ll let you talk. I’ll get Malena settled in.” She grimaced and shot me a knowing smirk and I knew Branna wasn’t going to take any of her shit.

  As she closed the door, Ethan fell into the overstuffed armchair next to my bed. “We should talk about this.”

  “What is there to talk about?” I closed my eyes and willed him to leave.

  “Sam, don’t.”

  “Sam, don’t what?”

  “Don’t shut me out over something that’s ancient history.”

  “Looks like history’s repeating itself,” I snapped back. “And besides, two-years-ago isn’t so ancient.”

  “Really, Samantha? We met, we hung out. Did I like her? Yeah. Did she like me? Not really. I don’t think Malena likes anyone.”

  “But you had sex with her anyway.”

  “That was two summers ago, after I graduated. What did you think? There was no one before you?”

  A gasp escaped my lips. Is that really what I thought? I knew Ethan had girlfriends, many girlfriends. Then again, I didn’t know specifics about his relationships. Something about the way Malena said “biblically” make my stomach turn as it forced visions to loop in my head. Biblically. Biblically. Biblically. Blah. I pulled my pillow over my head.

  “No. I just don’t want it thrown in my face. Especially when…” I trailed off, not wanting to complete my thought.

  “Especially when what? Especially, when we aren’t supposed to be together?”

  “Yeah. And we never…”

  “Had sex?” He interrupted, a small smile playing on his mouth. “Well I’ve told you I don’t care about all those rules. I told you we’d figure out a way. We just have to be patient.” He moved from the chair to the side of the bed.

  “I don’t want to be patient, Ethan.” I rose to my knees and laid my head on his shoulder. I could feel the pain inside him. I could taste his confusion, regret and impatience. My skin began to tingle as I began pulling it all from him, filling myself with it. I stiffened as I remembered Damien’s words. You will realize the seduction of it and you
will crave it.

  I pulled away slightly and he shifted. I found myself looking into his beautiful blue eyes. My hand reached up to brush his hair from his face. A familiar storm began to roar in my belly. Heat rose from my toes and his cheeks flushed at my touch. Want became need as his lips brushed mine. As the kiss deepened, I felt darkness swim into focus and all the conflict I’d felt melted away.

  Chapter 7

  Movement in my room woke me early the next morning. It wasn’t until the sudden burst of sun, streaming through my windows, hit my face that I actually moved.

  “Jesus, Ethan. I’m trying to sleep.” I grabbed the pillow next to me and pulled it onto my face.

  “Wake up.” Crap. Malena.

  “What are you doing in my room?” I could barely focus on her opening the window.

  “Well, I would have been here earlier but I had to wait for Ethan to sneak back to his room. You two really aren’t fooling anyone. Then again, you still are fully dressed. Looks like neither of you ended that argument satisfactorily.” She stood with her long, manicured fingers tapping her hips.

  “We’re not trying to fool anyone, Malena. It’s none of your business.” I looked down at my pajamas and realized I was fully dressed. Yet another night with Ethan that went nowhere.

  “Oh yes it is.” She grabbed my blanket and ripped it off of me. “I’m here to train you and keep you safe. I can’t do that when your head is clouded with him. So, yeah, it is my business.”

  “Hey! What are you doing?” What the hell! It was cold.

  “Time to train. You have twenty minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast and meet me out front.”

  I scrambled to grab the corner of my blanket and pulled it quickly over my body. “Ethan can protect me, you know. It’s kind of his job.”

  “The way his head is all mixed up, you’ll be lucky if he shows up five minutes after Sebastian kills you. Get dressed. Twenty minutes.”

  “I heard you the first time.”

  “I mean it, Samantha. Believe me, I want to be here as much as you want me here.”

  “Then we’re both in agreement that you’re not wanted.”